Monday, October 29, 2007

Food Sampling

haha... i am so sorry guys... looks like we are all mixed up with the dates... i shall blog now too... poor nat got so much questions to answer...

alright. back to the basics. as u all know, i am still attached to the food and water lab. so now, i shall take all of u on an excursion on how i collect my samples! (food sampling)

For our lab, we do sample collection from hotel's restaurants. To go and collect samples, we first need to prepare some items.

Ice Box with an Ice Pack - this is to lower the temperature of the food to slow down or minimise the multiplication of the microorganisms. Swab the ice box with beacoup first!

Sterile spoons - To collect samples

Sterile bag - To store samples

Marker - To label the time, date, place of collection, the name of the sample and person collecting.

Empty bag - To dispose the used spoons.

After packing all the necessary stuff, we get to sit in the company's car to the hotel!

When we reach the hotel, we proceed to find the chef in charge. They will provide us with the samples that we need to collect for testing.

When collecting samples, always use the sterile spoons. DO NOT use tongs or utensils provided by the hotel as they might have been contaminated. ALWAYS practice aseptic techniques when collecting food. DO NOT touch the food sample onto any outer surface of the sterile bag as it is already exposed to the environment. After collection, seal the sterile bag up. Write the time, nature, date of sample. Write also the restaurant's name and the name of the person who collected it. After that, store the food in the ice box. Seperate the raw food and cooked food with the ice pack.

After collecting all the samples, we are now ready to head back to the laboratory. While waiting for the driver, we get to take a look around the hotel!

Back at the laboratory! place all the food samples into the refrigirator and store until the time when the food is going to be tested!

Thats all! hope you enjoy this post! lol... see you guys in school soon!



The Lab Freaks said...

hello Jeremy!!!

your post is funny!! haha..
anyway, wat's a beacoup?

Suat Fang

VASTYJ said...

Hi Jeremy,

So did you have free food at the hotel? I'm so jealous..

Anyway, anything including food have micro-organisms on them even if you use aseptic techniques. So when you bring these food samples for testing ,wat kind of microbes do you test for? Or do you cook the food first before testing? HAHA!!

Loh Sharon, tg 01

The Lab Freaks said...

HI jeremy!

Cute post!haha..

anyway..u swab only the outside of the ice box? and what are the various tests that will be done on the diferent food samples?and then if u get funny results from the samples, what do u do? Do u like inform the hotel or something??


The Lab Freaks said...

Hello jeremy!

my turn to ask you (:
erm normally when you do test sampling of the food right, what kinda things/micro-organisms or contamination-related, do you look out for huh?

HAHAHA. sorry for the informal phrasing of words!

Seeyou soon!

first6weeks said...

Hey Jemmy,

After the abnormal microbes/contaminants are found, how does the hotel/company deal with said problems?

Desmond Heng

we are the XiaoBianTai-7! said...

hey jeremy,

how long would the food be stored b4 testing? does the hotel have their food checked regularly and how often isit?

TG 01

The Lab Freaks said...

to suat fang:

haha... beaucoup is a disinfectant...

to sharon:

nah... we can't eat the food there its only for testing purposes.
we also test for E.coli and S.aureus as the are the indicator organisms for faecal contamination and human contamination respectively.
lol... theres no kitchen in the lab only pantry...

To charmaine:
no! we swab the inside of the ice box... swab outside serves no purpose... err... the tests are MPN (for total and faecal coliforms), SPC and S.aureus detection...
ya we will send them a report of our testing...

to nat:
err... we check if the levels of SPC, total coliforms, faecal coliforms and S.aureus are over the limit... we dont really do specific tests unless stated... lol no extra payment no extra service... hope thats what you are asking for...

To desmond:
err abnormal microbes seldom occur as we do not perform extra tests for identification of colonies... we just send them a report stating whatever area that is of unsatisfactory standard...

To ai tee:
that depends on how fast the med tech would be free... but it should be tested on the date of collection... Different hotels have different schduele... some hotels request for twice per month, some once per month, some once per fortnight month!
